Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
SCBC Kids exists to glorify God through evangelizing children, encouraging their parents, and edifying the servants who participate in this ministry so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.
To ensure the safety of these little ones, we provide a secure check-in system, and all of our teachers and volunteers have completed background checks and fingerprinting.

Sunday Mornings
9:00 am
Sunday School classes are offered for all ages at 9:00 am.
10:30 am
Childcare is provided for nursery and preschool at 10:30.
Children in K-2nd grades are dismissed from the morning worship service prior to the message to attend Children's Church, or they are welcome to stay with their families in the service.
Children in K-2nd grades are dismissed from the morning worship service prior to the message to attend Children's Church, or they are welcome to stay with their families in the service.