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Gifts of the Resurrection

Apr 3, 2016    Vaughn Park

Three Amazing Gifts of God's Grace Guaranteed to Believers by the Resurrection of Jesus From the Dead


1) The resurrection of Jesus guarantees that our hope in Him is not in vain. All who truly believe in Christ will be born again to eternal life.

2) The resurrection of Jesus guarantees us an eternal inheritance.

3) The resurrection of Jesus guarantees that our salvation in Him is completely, eternally secure.

Questions for further contemplation & Application:

1) As mentioned in the message, Peter wrote his first epistle to Believers who were in the midst of severe persecution, and in need of receiving comfort and encouragement to persevere.

Writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Peter presented the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead as the summary and crowning achievement of His redemptive work. Why was this message exactly what these suffering Christians needed?

Should we find the same comfort and assurances as we meditate on Christ's resurrection as Believers today?

2) Read Ephesians 2:8,9.

What is "grace?" What motivates God to give grace to sinners?

What is "faith?" Can you describe what it means to truly believe in Jesus in a saving way?

3) Read John 3:1-21. What language describing salvation in this passage does Peter borrow from Jesus for use in today's text? Is it right to view salvation as radical transformation?

How is the Believer's life transformed in salvation?

How is his standing before God transformed?

4) Why do you think some professing Christians have a hard time believing that their salvation in Christ is eternally secure?

In addition to 1 Peter 1 and John 10, what Scripture passages can you think of that might help you counsel a brother who struggles in this area?

5) What have you learned today about dealing with persecution, sorrow and doubt as a Believer?