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The Day of the Lord - Pt 3

Jul 23, 2017    Vaughn Park


3 Strengthening Truths About the Believer’s Salvation

1. The plan for our salvation from inception to completion is God’s plan.

2. Not only has God planned for our salvation, He has also made the provision to secure it.

3. Our salvation is a right now reality that will only become greater in eternity.

Questions for further contemplation and application after the message:


What happens to a Christian who dies?

When could the rapture occur?

What will be the experience of unbelievers overtaken by the Day of the Lord?

2)How complete is God’s plan for the salvation of believer’s in Jesus?

How is the completeness of His plan strengthening for us?

3)Why did the payment for our salvation require the death of Jesus?

What other passages speak to this?

4)How can we comfort one another with the teaching given to us in 4:13 – 5:11?

Select helpful resources:
Benware, Paul N. Understanding End Times. Moody: Chicago, 1995, 2006.
Hiebert, D. Edmund. 1st & 2nd Thessalonians. BMH Books: Winona Lake, IN, 1996.
MacArthur, John F. 1st & 2nd Thessalonians The MacArthur New Testament Commentary. Chicago: Moody, 2002.
Thomas, Robert L., Ralph Earle, and D. Edmund Hiebert. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary. 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, 1st & 2nd Timothy, Titus. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 1996.