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Faithful Family Fundamentals | Mother's Day

May 8, 2016    Vaughn Park

Main Idea:

The family is under attack in our world. However, Christians should not despair, because in Scripture God has provided us with instructions for strengthening our homes.


1) Key responsibilities of believing children:

- Obey your parents in the Lord

- Honor your father and mother

2) Key responsibilities of believing parents:

- Do not provoke your children to anger

- Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord

Questions for further application and contemplation:

1) Why do you think attacking the family is such a high priority for the enemy?

2) What is the connection between strong believing homes and faithful churches?

3) Is judicious and careful spanking an important part of providing correction for your children? (Consult Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; 23:13,14; Hebrews 12:6).

4) Do you agree that providing instruction in the Scriptures for your children is of paramount in their spiritual development?

How often do you study the Bible and pray with your children?

What are the distractions that prevent you from doing so, and how can you better deal with them?π