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Are you Really Christ’s Disciple?

Aug 7, 2016    Keith Miller

Are you Really Christ’s Disciple?
(Luke 14:25-35)

Six things every disciple of Christ must hate (Luke 14: 26):







What does Jesus mean by carrying your own cross? (Luke 14: 27)

How much of your stuff is really your stuff? (Luke 14: 33)

Are all Disciples Christians? (Acts 11:26)

What is Life to Me?
(Mark 8: 34-38)
By Harry Dale Goehring
(April 1933 - June 1965)

What is life to me, Lord,
If through it day by day
I walk in ways I would, Lord,
Without Thee as my stay;
Without my share of sorrow
Or burden of the cross,
And not to share with Thee, Lord,
The triumph after loss?

What is life to me, Lord,
If through the lonely night
I cannot glimpse my Savior’s face
In visions of delight;
If morning does not bring, Lord,
A time to serve Thee new
Instead of fruitless memories
Of things I failed to do?

What is life to me, Lord,
If evening time arrives,
Yet not one word of witness
to guide to Thee the lives
Who with the burden of sin’s load
Attempt to find a way,
And here am I, so weak, Lord,
Without Thee as my stay?

What is life to me, Lord,
Unless for Thee to die?
Retain not one small want of mine,
Just on Thy grace rely;
Thy faithfulness to me, Lord,
Is all that I will need,
To shed my blood in service
Of planting precious seed.

Oh, this is life to me, Lord,
To daily bear Thy cross,
To daily have Thee search my heart,
To daily burn all dross,
To daily bring to Thee, Lord,
All burdens, griefs, or cares,
To daily walk in childlike trust
Through Satan’s tangling snares.

Of, Christ, the everlasting God,
The bread of life to me;
The living water from above,
The rock to which I flee,
In Thee is found all joy of life,
For by Thy Grace and Love,
Life here for me is one great task---
Reflecting God above!