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Celebrate Christmas @ SCBC |

Our Role as the Body of Christ

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Mark Wilson

“Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass,

 you who are spiritual…”6:1a

1._____________ the Entangled Believer6:1b



2._____________ the Weight of the Burden6:2-3

a.With ____________________

b.In _________________

3.______________ Your Own Heart and Help6:4-5

a.Against _________________

b.For Personal ______________

Questions for further application:

Are you a “spiritual one”? If not, why not?


Is there someone the Lord has brought into your life that is currently entangled in the thorns and thistles of their own sin? Begin praying now how you might gently and cautiously restore this person to faithful and fruitful living.


How might you help bear the weight of another’s burden today?


Recall how Christ has been your spiritual Restorer and borne the ultimate weight of your sin (Rom. 5:8). Give Him praise.


In light of question # 4, how should you approach a fellow believer in Christ who is entangled in sin? (Hint: this is not the place for pride or arrogance, but care and caution.)


Examine your own life and the work that God has produced in you and through you. In what areas is God doing a work in you today? If you have trouble answering this question, ask a close friend to begin praying with you in this regard.


In light of question # 6, is there someone who you need to seek out and ask forgiveness for your words or actions?  


Be on watch this week for opportunities to tell others about the work of God in your life.


Take opportunity to boast in the Lord to yourself, to other believers, and to non-believers for the work you see God doing in your life as your ultimate Burden-bearer.


Begin praying for the health of the church in relation to this lesson on how you can seek help or serve others.