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Instructions for Effectual Prayer

Mar 19, 2017    Vaughn Park

Main Idea:
Disciples of Jesus are to pray in concert with God’s will, boldly, and with a firm faith that their prayers will be answered.

4 Instructions for Effectual Prayer

1) ASK for the right things

2) APPROACH God in prayer with unashamed boldness

3) ABIDE in prayer

4) REST ASSURED that God will answer your prayers with good

Questions for further contemplation and application after the message:

1) According to the model prayer given by Jesus in Luke 11:2-4, what is the first priority we should pursue when we pray?

According to today's sermon, in what sense is “Your kingdom come” the disciple’s ultimate request?

Why is it essential to seek forgiveness for our sins when we pray - can sin that is not repented of hinder our prayers?

2) Do you find it surprising that Jesus encourages us to pray with unashamed boldness?

What are the things that hold you back from praying in this way?

What is the danger of likening God to the irritated neighbor in the parable in vv. 5-8? (How is God different from him?)

Write out the point of this parable, and its main lesson, in your own words:

3) The indication of v.10 is that God always answers our prayers. Do you believe this to be true?

Is “no” any less a valid answer from God than “yes”?

Is it sin to refuse to believe that God answers our prayers? Why or why not?

Select helpful resources:
Carson, D.A. Matthew Vol. 1 (Ch 1 – 12), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.
MacArthur, John F. Matthew 8 –15. Chicago: Moody Bible Institute, 1985
Morris, Leon. The Gospel According to Matthew. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992.
Toussant, Stanley. Behold the King – A Study of Matthew. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1980.
Turner, David L. Matthew. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.