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Equipping Nights Fall 2024

Science & Genesis

What do Christians do with fossils, dinosaurs, and “ape men”? Can the Bible still be trusted with all of the discoveries in biology, geology, and paleontology? Come find out how Scripture and science can go hand in hand to make sense of the world we see around us.  Join us this fall as our own Dr. Matthew McLain helps us to understand the science behind the events of Genesis through a faithful biblical worldview.

Recommended Resources

Creation in General

The New Creationism by Paul Garner
Faith, Reason, and Earth History by Leonard Brand and Art Chadwick
Creation Unfolding by Ken Coulson
Faith, Form, and Time by Kurt Wise
The Quest by Todd Wood
Defending Sin: A Response to the Challenges of Evolution and the Natural Sciences by Hans
The Queen of the Sciences: Reclaiming the Rightful Place of Theology and Creation” by Abner Chou 

Age of the Earth and Dating Methods

Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (2 volumes) edited by Larry Vardiman, Andrew Snelling,
and Eugene Chaffin
The Great Turning Point by Terry Mortenson
“The Drippy Faucet: Exploring the Basics of Radiometric Dating” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode
“Radioactive Clocks: A Closer Study of Radiometric Dating” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode 35
“Creationists Explain Radiometric Dating: The RATE Project Overview” – Let’s Talk Creation:
Episode 40
“Creationists Review the RATE Project’s Unsolved Problems and Critiques” – Let’s Talk
Creation: Episode 44
“Russ Humphreys and the Extra Helium (RATE Project)” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode 75
“A Summary of Radiometric Dating”
“How Radiometric Dating Works: Relative Not Absolute Ages”
“What Is Radiocarbon Dating and Is It Reliable?”
“How Are Radiohalos Evidence for a Young Earth?”
Technical Articles
Beachy, M.D., Kinard, B.R., and Garner, P.A. 2023. How often do radioisotope ages agree? A
preliminary study of 29,000 radioisotope ages in the USGS National Geochronological
database. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 9:387-411.
Faulkner, D.R. 2013. A proposal for a new solution to the light travel time problem. Answers
Research Journal 6:279-284.
Humphreys, D.R. 2023. Cause of large post-Flood jump in earth’s carbon-14. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Creationism 9:280-287.
Snelling, A.A. 2008. Catastrophic granite formation: Rapid melting of source rocks, and rapid
magma intrusion and cooling. Answers Research Journal 1:11-25.
Snelling, A.A. 2023. Radiohalos through earth history – what clues can they provide us?
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 9:540-560.

Origin of Predation, Disease, Parasites, etc.

“Biological Evil” by Kurt Wise (
“Did Animals Suffer Before the Fall of Adam and Eve?” Creation Unfolding
“Thank God for Microbes” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode 46
“Designed to Kill???” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode 60
Technical Articles
Francis. J.W. 2003. The organosubstrate of life: A creationist perspective of microbes and
viruses. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 5:433-444.
Francis, J.W. Ingle, M., Wood, T.C. 2018. Bacteriophages as beneficial regulators of the
mammalian microbiome. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism
Ingle, M. 2015. Parasitology and creation. Answers Research Journal 8:65-75.

The Flood

Earth’s Catastrophic Past (2 volumes) by Andrew Snelling
Fossils and the Flood by Paul Garner
Grappling with the Chronology of the Genesis Flood edited by Steve Boyd and Andrew Snelling
“Flood Geology Explains Grand Canyon Folds” by Paul Garner
“Exploring the Grand Canyon: Research on the Coconino Sandstone” – Let’s Talk Creation:
Episode 24
“Loading Up Noah’s Ark” – Let’s Talk Creation: Episode 68
Technical Articles
Austin, S.A. and Wise, K.P. 1994. The pre-Flood/Flood boundary: As defined in Grand Canyon
and east Mojave. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 3:37-47.

Brand, L.R. 2007. Wholistic geology: Geology before, during, and after the biblical Flood.
Origins 61:7-34.

Coulson, K. 2021. Using stromatolites to rethink the Precambrian-Cambrian pre-Flood/Flood
boundary. Answers Research Journal 14:81-123.

Whitmore, J.H. and Garner, P. 2008. Using suites of criteria to recognize pre-Flood, Flood, and
post-Flood strata in the rock record with application to Wyoming (USA). Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism 6:425-448.

Whitmore, J.H. and Garner, P. 2018. The Coconino Sandstone (Permian, Arizona, USA):
Implications for the Origin of Ancient Cross-bedded Sandstones. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism 8:581-627.

Wise, K.P. and Richardson, D. 2023. What biostratigraphic continuity suggests about earth
history. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 9:611-625.

Vapor Canopy & Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

“Did Pangaea Really Exist?” by Christian Ryan
Technical Articles
Austin, S.A., Baumgardner, J.R., Humphreys, D.R., Snelling, A.A., Vardiman, L., and Wise, K.P.
1994. Catastrophic plate tectonics: A global Flood model of earth history. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism 3:609-622.

Rush, D.E. and Vardiman, L. 1990. Pre-Flood vapor canopy radiative temperature profiles.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 2:231-246.

Worraker, W.J. 2020. Heat problems associated with Genesis Flood models – Part 3: Vapour
canopy models. Answers Research Journal 13:69-94.

Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Animals

“Exploring Feathered Dinosaurs from a Creationist Perspective” – Creation Unfolding
Technical Articles
Cedar, J. 2017. Is the Cambodian stegosaur-like carving another argument creationists should
not use? Answers Research Journal 10:39-43.

Doran, N., McLain, M.A., Young, N., and Sanderson, A. 2018. The Dinosauria: Baraminological
and multivariate patterns. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism

McLain, M.A., Speights, M., and Petrone, M. 2018. Feathered dinosaurs reconsidered: New
insights from baraminology and ethnotaxonomy. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Creationism 8:472-515.

McLain, M.A., Ross, M., Petrone, M., Lay, N., and Speights, M. 2023. Response to “The debate
over classification of Archaeopteryx as a bird”. Answers Research Journal 16:577-593.

Transitional Forms

“Did Ichthyosaurs Once Walk on the Land?” – Creation Unfolding
“Does the Fossil Record Support Naturalistic Evolution?”
“Dr. Matt McLain Discusses Changing Evolutionary “Narratives”” – Creation Unfolding
“Dr. Matt McLain Discusses the “Carboniferous Explosion” of Amphibians” – Creation Unfolding
“Synapsids and the Evolution of Mammals: A Different View”
“What a New Fossil Discovery Means for Evolution” – The Art of Discernment: Episode 3
Technical Articles
Anderson, E. and McLain, M. 2023. Does the fossil record of non-mammalian synapsid digits
show an increasing “mammal-ness”? Proceedings of the International Conference on
Creationism 9:643.

Doran, N.A., Garner, P., and McLain, M.A. 2021. Understanding stratomorphic series. Journal of
Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences 11:2-3.

LePore, C. and McLain, M.A. 2021. Which came first, the flipper or the leg? Evaluating the
sauropterygian fossil record from a creationist perspective. Journal of Creation Theology and
Science Series B: Life Sciences 11:4.

Garner, P.A. and Asher, J. 2018. Baraminological analysis of Devonian and Carboniferous
tetrapodomorphs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 8:458-471.

Talavera, A. and McLain, M. 2017. Applying baraminological methods to understand
mammal-like cynodonts. Journal of Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences 7:7.

Wise, K.P. 1995. Towards a creationist understanding of transitional forms. CEN Technical
Journal 9(2):216-222.

Human Origins

Adam or Death, Which Came First? by Steve Lloyd
What Happened in the Garden?
edited by Abner Chou
Perspectives on the Historical Adam and Eve: Four Views (the creationist view is by Marcus
Human Genesis
Technical Articles
Ross, M.R., Wood, T.C., and Brummel, P. 2023. Human history from Adam to Abraham:
Integrating paleoanthropology with a young-age creation perspective. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism 9:66-87.

Wood, T.C. 2010. Baraminological analysis places Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and
Australopithecus sediba in the human holobaramin. Answers Research Journal 3:71-90.

Wood, T.C. 2016. An evaluation of Homo naledi and “early” Homo from a young-age creationist
perspective. Journal of Creation Theology and Science Series B 6:14-30.

Wood, T.C. 2023. Essentialism and the human kind, or experiments in character weighting.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 9:88-119.

Wood, T.C. and Brummel, P.S. 2023. Hominin baraminology reconsidered with postcranial
characters. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 9:251-266.

Created Kinds and Diversification

Understanding the Pattern of Life by Todd Wood and Megan Murray
“What Is Baraminology?” by Christian Ryan
Technical Articles
Cavanaugh, D.P., Wood, T.C., and Wise, K.P. 2003. Fossil Equidae: A monobaraminic,
stratomorphic series. Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 5:143-153.

Garner, P.A. 2009. Evolving Christian views of species. Issues in Creation 5:7-29.

Guliuzza, R.J. and Gaskill, P. 2018. Continuous environmental tracking: An engineering
framework to understand adaptation and diversification. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Creationism 8:158-184.

Whitmore, J.H. and Wise, K.P. 2008. Rapid and early post-Flood mammalian diversification
evidenced in the Green River Formation. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Creationism 6:449-457.

Wise, K.P. 1990. Baraminology: A young-earth creation biosystematics method. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Creationism 2:345-360.

Wise, K.P. 2021. Species as brushstrokes: The Revelatory Species in creationism. Journal of
Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences 11:27-41.

Wise, K.P. 2021. Ontogeny as a diversification analog. Journal of Creation Theology and
Science Series B: Life Sciences 11:47-54.

Wood, T.C., Wise, K.P., Sanders, R., and Doran, N. 2003. A refined baramin concept.
Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group 3:1-14.

Biogeography and the Post-Flood World

Technical Articles
Frields, R., LePore, C., and McLain, M.A. 2023. Noah’s arks and Viking funeral ships: A
creationist look at the biogeographic patterns of tetrapods in the collisions of South
America/North America and India/Asia. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Creationism 9:644.

Gollmer, S.M. 2023. A rapid Ice Age and transition to ice sheet growth. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Creationism 9:267-279.

Wise, K.P. and Croxton, M. 2003. Rafting: A post-Flood biogeographic dispersal mechanism.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism 5:46